Certum Basic ID Certificate

Cheapest Email Security Certificate For All Mail Clients

Buy Certum Basic ID
(4.50 out of 5)
1 Year - $112 Years - $223 Years - $29
$49 $11.95

  • Lowest Price Guarantee .... Claim it
  • 24X7 Online Support .... Contact us
  • No Paperwork, No Documents Needed
  • Additional Server PriceMultiServer
  • Digital SignatureDigital Signature
  • Issuance Issuance - Minutes
  • WarrantyWarranty - 600 €
  • Validation TypeEmail Validation

Basic ID from Certum is digital signing certificate which secures your emails, digitally sign documents and secure logins, support 99% OS, mail clients (Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail, WebMail, etc.) and document formats like Adobe PDF, MS Office, Open Office, etc. at very cheap price. We provide 30 days easy return guarantee with Certum Basic ID.

Certum ID is available in three variants: Basic ID, Professional ID and Enterprise ID. A Basic ID Certificate is a quick and affordable option used to sign and encrypt email / electronic communication on the web; such as emails and documents, files. Certum ID assures all information transmitted and received over the network is authentic, not intercepted, read or forged within the transmission.

Basic ID from Certum

Certum Id is used for encryption and authentication of email messages and Signing the documents. Access to secure server and online systems, login to bank accounts and railways, company documents submission, etc.

Features & Benefits of Certum Basic ID

Ensure safe & protected electronic communication shows that you care about the security of people you do business with easily encrypt your email (for example in Outlook) simple & fast validation process Automatic issuance after authentication Displays your email address on the certificate works on with any device (i.e. phones, tablets).

Basic ID Authentication Level

Basic Id authenticate only email address and domain control of signatory, so provide basic level of authentication and full level of encryption with Minimum encryption key length: RSA/DSA 2048 bit.

Mail Clients, Server and Client OS Compatibility

Certum ID is recognized by 99% of browsers and some of them are listed here:
Client OS: Mac OS X, Snow Leopard, Windows 7, Vista, Xp, 2000, Linux Client OS.
Server OS: Windows Server 2008, 2003, 2000, Linux, UNIX, Solaris, Novell, etc.
Web Server: Microsoft IIS 7, IIS6, Apache, Tomcat, IBM HTTP, Weblogic, Cobalt.
E-Mail Servers: Netscape Communicator 4.51+,Microsoft Outlook 99+,Microsoft Entourage (OS/X),Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0+,Qualcomm Eudora 6.2+,Lotus Notes (6+), etc.


We provide 30 days easy return guarantee on Basic certum id. Instant Cancellation and funds are available to spend on another purchase.

Support and Services

Routine Installation support, Sale support, Billing and Refund support is available via our helpdesk and email.

Buy Professional Installation

No more headache!! No more waste of time!! Do not try hands on the production server, Our SSL experts completely handle your SSL Installation with our full-service SSL Installation Service. We'll do it all and you can work for your business.

Supercharge Your Business with EV SSL

EV SSL bring your business to new heights, we offer industries leading EV certificates at lowest prices. EV SSL product is highly secure and most trusted certificate which display your business name on the browser addressbar with secure padlock. Customers or website visitors can verify name, existance, operating status and domain control of the business by clicking on the trusted dynamic site seal. High warranty amount, mobile friendly, Anti-malware Scan and minimum issuance time make it a precious value. EV SSL also highly increase SEO ranking and performance of your business website.

So Quickly Display Your Business Name in the SSL certificate
With Easy Validation and 24x7 Support

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